Wednesday, November 5, 2008



I love this time of year when all the trees begin to change.  It is not nearly as pretty here in Texas as it is in much of the country but all the same, it sure is nice to see.  When we lived in Virginia and Atlanta, it was spectacular!  It also reminds me  that supposedly things are going to "change" now ....i suppose time will tell if that is a good thing or a bad thing.   And I suppose it all depends on if YOU profit from the change or not....that seems to be the driving force behind the elections....$$$$$$.....but I for one vote for it being a good thing for those who help themselves....

of course with the change in the season, i get an awful bad headache....hummmm......or is that also from the election?  


1 comment:

Happy Campers said...

It seems like they just turned overnight, didn't it?