Monday, November 3, 2008


yeah, it was halloween and the kids and I apparantly really like black..who knew?    I did not realize that we were all in black until someone made a comment about it....HELLO....duh!  anyhoo, emily's hair was suppose to be purple, the top of the ozone unfriendly can said so...wrong!  I really wanted to be a the moumou, short stockings, glasses, wig and all...but got outvoted by the other two witches.  the boy you ask?  NOT a warlock...duh!  how many warlocks pull rabbits out of their hats people?  He was a magician...yet again, duh!

It was fun and it was FRIDAY night!  thank goodness.....

we have candy, A LOT of candy, I am so sick of candy...and cannot believe i just wrote that....I realize that I have NO self control!  i always suspected, but now it is blatantly obvious!  

I am still trying to figure this blogger deal out, so forgive me. I DO NOT and WILL NOT re-read and make corrections to these posts...I like them in all their original form!  and i am too lazy to give a damn! i am going to play around with it for a while before letting folks know it is here and available for them to view on an hourly basis :) the meantime, i am writing to myself!  And am sorta digging it!  it is kinda like "the other me"....hummmm!!!  and yes i love .... and !!! and :) and  ;p~

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